Easy Grading

What a terrific school year! With so many students and assignments it can be easy to lose track of grading and IB scoring, but not if you have a plan! This year I have been planning for a new course I am teaching, IB Film. I have always loved movies, I have seen so many and was lucky to spend time making movies with my friends growing up. Now I teach film, and it is so much. I am very very lucky.

I have been in a busy season of grading and preparing for IB Exams, both IB Film and IB Art.

I wanted to share an easy IB predicted score calculator, for calculating IB Film scores. You grade each assignment and the score will be predicted in a fair and balanced way according to the rubric.

You can find the calculator here

I am also starting to share other IB Film and IB Art resources. You can view them all here